Monday, February 24, 2014

    I read an opinion article in the opinion section of the Dallas News website titled, Will the Abbott-Nugent fiasco give Wendy Davis a bump? In the author's(Tod Robberson's) article he talks about how Greg Abbott's support might fall due to comments made by Ted Nugent, who was invited by Abbott to join his campaign. During a concert Ted Nugent is quoted as calling President Obama a, "subhuman mongrel"
    The author continually says that he feels Abbott is exemplifying "abominably" bad judgement in that he is standing behind his decision to include Nugent in his campaign. The article states that Abbott has not issued a statement of regret, which could suggest that he is in fact OK with his decision on Nugent. Mr. Robberson feels that these kinds of decisions can only serve to damage Abbott himself in the long run. He expresses a deep confusion as to why Abbott would even consider mixing himself up with a man that seems to have a bad track record. Some that are mentioned in the article are, a tendency to make sexist and racial remarks, affairs with underage girls, and being a draft dodger. I think by putting these examples in the article the author is convincing the audience that maybe Abbott is not such a good judge of character or that maybe he's a man that associates himself with sexist and racist which could lead voters to questions Abbott's own morals and character. Mr. Robberson attacks Abbott' judgment many times throughout the article, ultimately suggesting that this is not appropriate as a gubernatorial candidate. He also suggests that even though Davis has taken heat from misrepresentations in the past, that it will be no where near as bad as what Abbott will have to contest with, nor will it be as long lasting. Mr. Robberson predicts Abbotts defeat, even more so he predicts it will be humiliating.
    I agree with Mr. Robberson in that Abbott will have a hard time coming back from this. He has dug a very deep hole by associating himself with a man who has shown that he has many terrible qualities. The fact that he has also not issued some sort of statement the he disagrees with what Nugent says is also unsettling. If Abbott's actions are suggesting that he supports people that make sexist or racist comments or that involve themselves in illegal actions then it really call into question where this man's morals lie. Is this really the kind of man that Texans want in charge?

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