Monday, February 10, 2014

Wendy Davis calls out Greg Abbott on Public School Funding Lawsuit

    In an article written today in the Austin Chronicle by Micheal King titled, Davis Calls for School Funding Settlement, King tells of how Wendy Davis called out GOP opponent, Greg Abbott, on settling the current public school funding lawsuit.
    This happened outside the Rio Grande campus of Austin Community College where Wendy Davis, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, gave a brief press conference. Among the topics talked about, "open-carry" of hand guns and border communities being some of the other topics mentioned in the article, Ms. Davis chose to focus on the topic of Mr. Abbott and the lawsuit concerning the public school funding. The story goes that in 2011 there was a legislative spending cut, in later paragraphs it's clarified that the cut was $5 billions from schools, and then a partial restoration of school funding by 2013 legislature, only $3.4 billion. Federal Judge John Dietz is mentioned in the article as having "declared the current state of school funding inadequate under the Texas Constitution."
    Throughout the Article Wendy Davis is quoted criticizing Greg Abbott for not taking action, stating, "So here we are, locked in a legal battle that everyone, except General Abbott, seems to know is over. He is defending the indefensible." Ms. Davis doesn't just suggest that Mr. Abbott stop halting progress, she takes it a step further and says he needs to provide solutions to the problem, stating, " he needs to tell us what he'd do to improve our public schools." Ms. Davis goes on to suggest some solutions that Mr. Abbott could take, such as getting the Legislature to take care of the "broken school funding formulas and "responding to Dietz's ruling with the adequate funding for public schools." Ms. Davis even suggests the Rainy Day Fund as an adequate resource to resolve the problem.
    I believe this article is worth reading because it shows where our candidates for governor's concerns lie. I will say however, that this article is extremely one sided and you will need to go else where to find Abbott's side of the story. With Wendy Davis' popularity growing this year's election is going to be intense.

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