Friday, May 9, 2014

    In a comment to classmate PCorpus' blog post concerning Abortions, , I wrote: 
    I personally believe that women should have the option to get an abortion if they want one. I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that the government thinks they can put restrictions on what women can and cannot do with their bodies. It's absolutely absurd. Some of the people making the laws to put restrictions on abortions are men, men who don't know what it's like to be a woman, who don't know the thought process as to why some women would want an abortion. Just the thought of men making laws that tell a woman what she can and cannot do just seems terribly wrong. These law makers make these laws to suit their own beliefs and values without any regard to the beliefs and values of the people they're affecting. It seems like they don't care because people who want abortions are just wrong and they know better.
    People who say that they're pro life say that they value life and that's why they are against abortions. But how far does their support of the unborn babies go? They want them to be born so they fight for their existence, but then where are they after the baby is born? Do they even care that these babies are being born to people who don't want them and what kind of family environment that sets up for the child? They think the fight is won when the baby comes out, they care nothing about what happens to the child after that. It's not just about bringing children into the world, it's about creating a safe and happy environment for the children. Where are these pro lifers and government officials when it comes to that part?
    Now I'm not saying that women should just get abortions whenever they want. Party girl shouldn't just go out, get pregnant and think it's ok she'll just get an abortion. People need to be held accountable for their actions, but there has to be a better way than denying women their freedom. There a preventative measure that need to be more accessible, parents need to talk to their daughters about safe sex, and people need to realize the possible consequences of sex. Because the idea of a woman who's been raped and got pregnant not being able to make her own decision on the matter because of some people that she doesn't even know says she can't just seems wrong.

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